J&J Expos currently owns and manages:

Continuity & Resilience Today (CRT) is an annual conference/trade show for the Business Continuity Management professional. The education program is a collaborative effort partnered with the Business Continuity Institute, the Disaster Recovery Information Exchange-Toronto, and the Disaster Recovery Institute Canada.

The Ontario Disaster & Emergency Management Conference (DEMCON) is an annual conference/trade show for the Emergency Management professional. The education program is a collaborative effort partnered with the Ontario Association of Emergency Managers, Canadian Red Cross, International Association of Emergency Managers- Canada, and the Ontario Municipal Social Services Association.


J&J Expos currently owns and manages:

Continuity & Resilience Today (CRT) is an annual conference/trade show for the Business Continuity Management professional. The education program is a collaborative effort partnered with the Business Continuity Institute, the Disaster Recovery Information Exchange-Toronto, and the Disaster Recovery Institute Canada.

The Ontario Disaster & Emergency Management Conference (DEMCON) is an annual conference/trade show for the Emergency Management professional. The education program is a collaborative effort partnered with the Ontario Association of Emergency Managers, Canadian Red Cross, International Association of Emergency Managers- Canada, and the Ontario Municipal Social Services Association.


J&J Expos currently owns and manages:

Continuity & Resilience Today (CRT) is an annual conference/trade show for the Business Continuity Management professional. The education program is a collaborative effort partnered with the Business Continuity Institute, the Disaster Recovery Information Exchange-Toronto, and the Disaster Recovery Institute Canada.

The Ontario Disaster & Emergency Management Conference (DEMCON) is an annual conference/trade show for the Emergency Management professional. The education program is a collaborative effort partnered with the Ontario Association of Emergency Managers, Canadian Red Cross, International Association of Emergency Managers- Canada, and the Ontario Municipal Social Services Association.


P.O. Box 282, Lindsay, ON K9V 4S1


P.O. Box 282, Lindsay, ON K9V 4S1


P.O. Box 282, Lindsay, ON K9V 4S1